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The most relevant pathologic findings in the liver are fatty microvascular infiltrations (steatosis), mainly in the centro-lobular area. Ultrasound and CT scan can confirm the diagnosis. In our patient a bright sparkling hepatic structure compatible with fatty plump girls liver infiltration was plump girls seen. The incidence of ARF in AFL is over 60% in the US [8], but this ARF is frequently of a moderate degree and usually does not require dialysis. In our case, serum creatinine did not exceed 6 mg% and oliguria was absent. Hyperuricaemia in this case is in keeping plump girls with the diagnosis of AFL where characteristically hyperuricaemia is disporportionally increased in comparison with renal dysfunction [9]. The high mortality seen in AFL is due to liver failure, as was the case in our patient. AFL is observed in primigravidae in 2839 weeks of pregnancy and is rarely seen postpartum.