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Submitted by Siren celebrity (user info) at 2005-05-04 07:07:18 (#) Ranking: 0 Don't you know this FUCKING BASTARD called down at 6:01 and said, "Thanks for my 6:00 am wakeup call!!!!" WTF, man?!?!?!?! 6:00???? Christ!!!! Submitted by Ducky (user info) at 2005-05-04 05:18:14 (#) Ranking: 2 Sadly no...until the ski season (which just ended) starts up again, there's no one. No security, no houseperson, nothing. Just me celebrity and me alone...babysitting 300+ bus-tour-seniors. It sucks. If this website celebrity wasn't here to keep me occupied I think I'd go crazy and run myself over repeatedly with a bell cart in the lobby. Submitted by Siren (user info) at 2005-05-04 05:09:06 (#) Ranking: 0 Yay!!! Ducky is with me!!! Are you all alone like me? Do you have an annoying security guard that pesters you with personal stories you couldn't care any less about?