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I hopethey've split, she doesn't deserve him.318JojoLEAVE HILARY ALONE ! She is her own person . Shedoes what fucking free she wants . She can sing . SHE ROCKS317mrs joel maddenkill the fucking hoe! i fucking fucking free hate her, and no iam not jealous and NO it is not just because shedated joel, although that contributes to theviolence. i want to kill her. i want to stab herin the neck and leave her to die. she is a fuckingposer, pretending to be all punk around joel thenacting like a fucking fairy pulled straight frompop sugarland next time she fucking free has a premiere orsomething gay. she cant act, she cant sing, shesjust a slut hoe bitch fucker who i would enjoykilling very much. emily, fuck the fuck off. youare a fucking dickhead. you are probably a sluttoo and a poser and like the simpson sisters andthe spice girls and other gay ass bands when thereal bands are green day and good charlotte whoactually WRITE their own music and sing aboutthinkgs worth singing about! all her fans areteenybopper fuckheads (yes EMILY, THAT FUCKINGMEANS Y-O-U!!)
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