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Re Phantom of the Opera By sue howard on nature center 3/6/2006 11:56:38 In LA I saw the PHantom being played by the great Robert Guillaime (sp). I believe the only (african american) to play the lead. What a great voice. He is professionally trained too. Adrienne Barbeau -the old fashioned way? By soowalton on 3/6/2006 11:25:18 Although Adrienne Barbeau did not use a surrogate to have nature center her children, it is doubtful (but nature center not impossible) that at 51 she had her twins "the old fashioned way." Alot of older celebrities use donor eggs from young women and IVF to achieve these pregnancies. Not giving the full story gives younger women the false impression that women get pregnant all the time beyond 40 years old. Brokeback Mountain By lisa howorth on 3/6/2006 11:19:50 I was surprised and disappointed that you failed to give credit where it is due. Ang Lee certainly did a great job directing Brokeback Mt.and
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