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It even showbiz news changes their dreams, because the highest self aspires to things the lower self could never dare to seek. How has your experience with martial showbiz news arts influenced your perspective and impacted your writing? Profoundly. It has introduced me to people, and to aspects of myself, that otherwise I'd have never known. Without martial arts, I would never have known my sensei. Without showbiz news my sensei, I'd never have started my own dojo. Without my own dojo, I'd have never had the sense of self that allowed me to approach my wife the first time the sight of her spun my head. Had I not met my wife, I'd not have come up with the idea with her to honeymoon in an Iban warrior longhouse in the rainforest of Malaysia. Had I never honeymooned in an Iban warrior longhouse in the rainforest of Malaysia, I'd never have met the tribal chief's husband, who first started me thinking about inverting Hemingway's story of The Old Man and the Sea.