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Neither Jolie nor Pitt attended the hearing. Superior Court Judge milf pussy movies Linda Lefkowitz approved the motion during a closed hearing about a month after lawyers for Jolie filed the paperwork. "The court granted milf pussy movies the name change, " attorney Evan Spiegel, who represents the actress, told reporters outside court. He did not take questions. Pitt's publicist, Cindy Guagenti, said on Jan. 11 that Jolie is pregnant with Pitt's child. The names of the adopted children will become Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt and Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt. Zahara celebrated her first birthday on Jan. 8. Maddox, a boy, is 4. The 41-year-old actor accompanied Jolie, his "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" co-star, when she went to Ethiopia in July to adopt Zahara. In 2002, Jolie adopted Maddox in Cambodia where she filmed "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider." Pitt divorced Jennifer Aniston last October after 4 1/2 years of marriage, citing irreconcilable differences. He has denied Jolie was behind the split, and for months the couple did not publicly acknowledge their relationship despite increasingly frequent sightings together.
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