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No response was received. (5) Network Operations Center is a pseudonym for the infamous cybersquatter Jeff Burgar. Mr. Burgar, doing business as "Alberta Hot Rods" and the "Stefanie Seymour Club", has engaged in a practice of registering domain names comprised of celebrities’ names. The Respondent’s conduct constitutes a pattern of conduct intended to capitalize on the goodwill associated with others’ fame for its own illegitimate purposes, namely to sex with mother and daughter drive Internet traffic sex with mother and daughter to a commercial website owned or affiliated with the Respondent or from which the Respondent receives monetary payment as a result of the Internet traffic brought to such websites by sex with mother and daughter his illegal activities. In a prior UDRP proceeding against Mr. Burgar, the panel noted that "it has been clearly demonstrated, partly through Respondent’s admissions, that he obtained a succession of <>
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