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1939-1944. U.S., Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands scenes showing work and home life, culture, and war industry. More information How much digitized? All    Jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress? Yes    Sample images FENTON CRIMEAN WAR PHOTOGRAPHS [fenton] -- 263 photographs by Roger Fenton. 1855. Views of older naked woman participants, landscapes and equipment. More older naked woman information How much digitized? All     Jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress? Yes    Sample images FINE older naked woman PRINTS [finepr] -- about 11,900 prints (selection from full collection; records being added) ca. 1450-1997. Relief, intaglio, and planographic prints, and other print media by artists and printmakers from the U.S., Europe, Africa, Canada, Latin America, Australia, and Asia. More information NOTE: pre-1915 Japanese fine prints are made available through a separate category.
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