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 IMDb  Obituary Thelma White (actress) -- Dead. Pneumonia. Died January 11, 2005. Born April 12, 1910. One of the leads in the infamous Reefer Madness.  IBDB  IMDb  Obituary 50s housewife Amrish Puri (Bollywood star) -- Dead. Brain hemorrhage/myelodysplastic syndrome. Died January 12, 2005. Born June 22, 1932. Probably best-known worldwide as the human-sacrificing high priest in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.  IMDb  Obituary Charlotte MacLeod (writer) -- Dead. 50s housewife Alzheimer's. Died January 14, 2005. Born November 12, 1922. Rest You 50s housewife Merry and many other mysteries.    Obituary Ruth Warrick (actress) -- Dead. Pneumonia. Died January 15, 2005. Born June 29, 1915.
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