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Over 500 applications from more than 100 MFIs were submitted on behalf of microentrepreneurs from this region. In Jordan, Ahmad Al Ashmawi, Executive Director of Sanabel, self help the Microfinance Network of the Arab Countries, praised the GMA Programme: "This award scheme represents an important tool for creating awareness about microfinance at all social levels: family and community of the winner, students, the press, business community, academics as well as decision-makers in self help Jordan." Latin America Latin America has experienced an exciting year of self help GMA Programmes in seven countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. Together, these countries have generated over 500 applications, with both Brazil and Chile receiving more than 100 applications each. Two hundred MFIs from across the continent nominated microentrepreneurs. Student participation was an important part of the GMA in many countries: a total of 93 students in Latin America contributed their time and efforts to ensure the successful design and implementation of the GMA Programme.