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There are now schools in many states that have daily, weekly, and/or monthly Project ACES participation darryl jones assembly programs with different health, darryl jones fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle related themes. Look for the link at the top of the page concerning The Project ACES Club!     Copyright 2006 Youth Fitness Coalition, Project ACES Seja's Run ESSENTIA: An Evening of Fine Wine and Cuisine Alexander’s Challenge All-In Poker Challenge Infusion: A Wine Experience Asthma Celebrity Open 2004 Asthma Celebrity Open 2004 Date: Monday, darryl jones September 13, 2004 Location: Wooden Sticks Golf Course, 40 Elgin Park Drive, Uxbridge, Ontario. Co-Chairs: Jim Hall, President & COO, Keith Health Care, and Paul Barter, Vice-President, Marketing and Sales, T4G A wide variety of celebrities and guests joined together to raise funds for the fight against asthma, through their participation in the September 13th, 2004 First Annual Asthma Celebrity Open.
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