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To be fair, Miike usually has more swimming pools filled with shit and also singing oracle zombies and bullet-time cock-fights and so on, but still, The Films Of Kirsten Dunst more often than not have Kirsten Dunst, so fuck you Miike, is what Kirsten no doubt thinks about it all.Drop Dead Gorgeous is fairly unique oracle in Kirsten’s canon, in that it adopts a pseudo-verite approach, being oracle a mockumentary concerning a small-town beauty pageant. Absurd, you would think, since the outcome can be deduced from nothing more than the knowledge that Kirsten is an entrant in said sexist charade, but the film has less to do with the “plot” and more to do with the “satire”, the “social commentary” and so on. For example, we get one of the participants dancing with a crucified Christ on wheels, on account of she wants to appeal to the old-time religion so favoured by the township.