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We're blues people. And blues never lets tragedy have the last word. -Wynton Marsalis by paluxy1945 on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 11:24:28 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Gold obscene Star Mother Cindy Sheehan (4.00 / obscene 3) is more tolerable to me, but I have to agree that the PR people and political hacks should not take over. I met Cindy Sheehan. One obscene of her motivations is to save other mothers from her grief. It is not to become 'Mother Sheehan'. LL "There is a time for compromise, and it is called 'Later'!" by LeftyLimblog on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:05:28 AM PDT [ Parent ]  That's why she is having no effect (none / 1) She is not effective, because she is one person. As a universal archetype, she has power.
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