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 The people in this forum taking advantage of Cindy to push their political cause.  It doesn't take a genuis to figure out that she's a whack job.  Whether that is caused by her hatred of GWB, the loss of her son, or whether she was just born that way... who knows.  But its clear that she's not operating on best stores online all cylinders. I said it best stores online before and I'll say it again:  if the rad left had their say during WWII, even more Jews would have been sent best stores online to death camps.  After all, how was Germany threatening us?  It was their own people that they killed.  They were (my "favorite" phrase) a sovereign nation. There are people in Iraq who are fighting and dying to make sure that the people of Iraq have a simple constitution.  The people doing the fighting are overwhelmingly pro-GWB.  If you truly supported those people, then you'd listen to what they have to say. Not one of their moms, but what they say.
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