Chicago Ave., Chicago 10, teens fucking

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Chicago Ave., Chicago 10, Illinois, the basement of the worst precinct jail house in Chicago's police department - in 1950. The reason I don't know the day, date or time of day is I was recovering from the most thorough ass beating of my 16-year-old life. For several months that started during the holidays in1949, myself and two other people had been engaged in a series of hold-ups. fucking I was 16 years old and the smartest, baddest, toughest mother-fucker on the fucking near north side of Chicago. The near north side was brimming full with fucking smart, bad, rough mother-fucking 16-year-olds. But me? I had a mission. I wanted to be loved and feared. I wanted to be bad and respected. I wanted to be cool to the brothers and hot to the sisters. Yeah, we used those terms then, too. I knew I was smart. I was too damn smart for school.
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