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Mandatory play is enforced. Participation in post season play is optional.Only 6 year olds who played previously in a T-Ball program at age 5 are eligible to play "up" - this is a parental decision.(Subject to safety two men one woman sex review if requested by manager) T-Ball Ages two men one woman sex 5-6, T-Ball is pure instructional baseball, where basic fundamentals and techniques are taught. This is not intended to two men one woman sex be a competitive league. All players bat every inning, score is not kept. There is no post season play. Only players who complete a full league tryout are eligible for ALL-STAR consideration.Can I "bring" at team to CNLL?Yes and no. T-Ball and Intermediate teams do not draft, therefore a manager may bring an entire team into the league provided the players meet boundary and age requirements; this is subject to our Player Agent and President's approval after registrations have been completed.
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