June 17, 2003 Reviewer:"mareson228" fotoblog old anal sex

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June 17, 2003 Reviewer:"mareson228" (F.R., MA USA) - See all my reviewsLast summer I read this book to my then just turned 7 & just turned 4 yr old and the youngest was completely clueless as to what I trying to get across. The oldest understood somewhat, wasn't all old anal sex that interested, but still managed to let a few giggles out. She took the book and read it herself. When I later asked her if she old anal sex had any questions for old anal sex me, she had none but commented that it was "embarrassing". The book was put away to age a little longer.... Earlier this week I re-read the book to both of them, now almost 5 and almost 8. The 5 yr old is still clueless and bored with all of it. The 8 yr old seemed a bit more interested and less embarrassed. She took the book and again read it to herself and asked a few "why" questions but nothing I couldn't handle.In
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