What one thing would sex ipod

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What one thing would have made your year ipod immeasurably more satisfying?Hmm... perhaps a bit more money, trust, and knowledge.  33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?Random as fuck.34. What kept you sane?Interpol were there when I needed them. I owe them, so shall go see them if I get the chance. Also, music in ipod general.35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?Back in my days as a normal perverted teenage boy? Pfft, any eye candy and I was ipod all 'whey!'36. What political issue stirred you the most?The fights for power. Like, just pick who'll be reliable or something instead of having a spaz.37. Who did you miss?No-one really went away... I still missed a few people, just if I didn't get to see them for a few days.38. Who was the best new person you met?There is no one person. All the 20six dudes and dudettes. Karen, Kieren, loadofoldtosh, selene, Katy, Georgette, Jack, Mike, Bevin, Sarah, visionsofyou, and everyone else.
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