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300+ bus-tour-seniors. journal It journal sucks. If this website wasn't here to keep me occupied I think I'd go crazy and run myself over repeatedly with a bell cart in the lobby. journal Submitted by Siren (user info) at 2005-05-04 05:09:06 (#) Ranking: 0 Yay!!! Ducky is with me!!! Are you all alone like me? Do you have an annoying security guard that pesters you with personal stories you couldn't care any less about? It's just me and her. That's it. Submitted by Ducky (user info) at 2005-05-04 05:04:57 (#) Ranking: 2 You work night audit at a hotel too???! Awesome. I'm really glad I'm not alone. Check this though. If I want to pee, I have to forward the phone to the cell and take it with me...that sucks. No one will call down for hours, and then...gaaaa.