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THATS SOO LOW!!!WELL HILARY KISS MY band ASS!!!!!!!!! I WENT TO THEGREEN DAY CONCERT AND THEY WERE 10 TIMES BETTERTHAN YOU WILL EVER BE!!! KISS MY ASS!!!!324Laureni hate her323duff sucks!hilary band duff sucks band ass! she can't act! and shesure as hell can't sing! and why the fuck wasshe on the people's 50 most beautiful peoplelist??? sure shes not totaly unfortunate looking,but holy shit! she sure as hell isn'tbeautiful exspecialy by hollywood standards! butmostly she can't sing and needs to bestopped!!!322christineok - this is really difficult becuz i dont thinkhill is that attractive and she is so freakinannoying but i do give her credit to not followinin the footsteps of lohan and other ppl she is nota slut and i give her credit for that soo good 4 uhill 321KillTheHilshe sux ass. she can't sing. and she just sux.ASS HOLE!!!!320fuck