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This surprised me, because suicide I don't find it particularly offensive, and I'm Asian. I was going to use one from a girl named Wang, because wang is another word for penis, but I thought that was too easy. The letters seemed eerily similar. One of them said they found our hats offensive? Hmmm could it be that there was an organized protest going on? Had all of decent society finally suicide banded together to destroy me? I looked out my window and saw a mob with torches! suicide But that was just a coincidence. There's a torch store down the block and I guess they were having a sale or something. Keep reading.) --------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Same Asian Person Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 6:02 AM Subject: hi.... ok hi....I'm just here to say... the other e-mail I'm writing is for a class in fact don't even bother reading it...cuz it might piss u off I have to do it in order to get 5 extra test points...please understand..ok later (Editor's Note: Writing hate mail to T-Shirt Hell is worth 5 points of extra credit at The University of Texas at Austin.