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one time in my late-teens, for example, I lay awake for much of a week contemplating the following; A Catholic priest can get drunk without much being said, but he cannot wed. A Presbyterian minister can get wed, but dare not take a drink. What the fuck might The Duke do, then, considering that at this point in his life he was not only engaged but also a practising drunk college and, furthermore, thinking along the college lines of finding paid employment in a religion of some nature, preferably Christian.The predicament in question college reached a suitable conclusion when The Duke decided he couldn’t be arsed with the “clergy”, to be honest.Sorry, Christians. Other diabolical questions not fit to be answered; One’s favourite Gram Parsons recording. One day it’s Sin City, the next it’s Christine’s Tune, and then before you know it you’re guessing it’s probably Return Of The Grevious Angel, although…Some things aren’t fit to be laid stone, is what.But