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Back to Shows Index Back to Japan Index Back to Photo Index sucks Back to Stefan's Library Comments and questions about this page should be sent from this web form.. Fact Check The phone rings. It’s the magazine, they’re running a story on me and they need to make sucks sure they have their facts straight. They rerun the interview (although much shorter), but this time it’s sort of a test — I have to guess what the author of the piece sucks thought was the answer. Q: What topics are you interested in? A: Well, computer science and, uh, law. [ding!] Q: What kind of law? A: Well, right now I’m particularly interested in constitutiional law. [bzzt!] A: Uh, uh, oh, and intellectual property law. [ding!] After all this, they still don’t trust me (why should they?) and ask for people they can call to back up my assertions.