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key west 2. miami (yes, again) 3. snowshoe 4. new york 5. LA 6. bali but not graduate necessarily in that order...just within the next two years. i need more exotic. more glam. more party. listening to: deco - dub down summer mix 23 jul 05: 12:49pm birthday spankings for stephanie...she gets 23 today!!! we celebrated last night by graduate watching a friend's baseball game in rockdale (oh) co. and we had to drink our beers very discreetly out of coke was almost like being in highschool again. and sipping graduate guiness out of a straw is real sexy...if i close my eyes i can almost pretend that it's a milk shake. shawn's team won even though toolshed tina was rooting for the pitchers on the other team...i told her she should get some dugout action. shortstop semple, her new moniker. we're getting all liqoured up in anticipation of this hot ass camping we're about to do.