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To this end, Kirsten provided the voice of Kiki (also Kirsten's nick-name) in the English dub of Hayao Mayazaki’s sublime Kiki’s Delivery Service. She also voiced Kaena, the heroine of the 2003 CGI-feature incestrape stories Kaena – The Prophecy. Then of course there’s 1998’s straight-to-video The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, for which She gracefully provided the lung-work for Becky Thatcher.Of course Tom incestrape stories Sawyer isn’t the only literary source enlivened by Kirsten, incestrape stories and is in fact merely one example of what The Duke will refer to as The Post-Modern Literary Classicism to be found in The Motherfucking Cinema Of Kirsten Dunst. Get Over It harbours both explicit Shakespearian references, and also borrows the mechanics (no motherfucking pun intended) of his A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In addition, Kirsten’s fondness for modern literature is illustrated by her roles not only in Interviewing Some Vampire Or Other, but also 1990's The Bonfire Of Vanities and the aforementioned The Virgin Suicides.
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