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'Oh,' I said, satisfied, george w bush as it were, with the answer. My mum, bless her, was a classy woman. Caroline we were having a meeting with one of our clients, who were a quite conservative lot (most asian companies are). us, being a relative small design house, were quite straight forward george w bush in what we want to george w bush say. that morning before our meeting, we remind ourselves to specificaly refrain from saying anything "non-conservative" because we wanted to bag the project. 5 minutes later in our meeting, everybody was "comfy" with each other, and our client said something about his dislike about certain designers he came across in the past. my boss, being too comfy, blurted out: "ah yes, real wankers aren't they?!" client:"huh? wankers" my boss: "you know, wankers?" and started doing a sign language similar to the meaning of a wanker. client: *blushing* me and my other team mate: blushing + nudging my boss to stfu. potatoe <> My four year-old godson Nathan likes to run around the house singing a song of his own invention that goes something like: "Shit shit fuck, fuck shit fuck, fuck fuck shit, fuck fuck shit."