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Records. "They switched to the Salsoul label in '79 and released "I Got My Mind Made Up" which was a deserving disco-funk smash.Heres a sex incest bio. Another one on A discographyI can't find much on The Mighty Ryeders but this amazon reviewer has got their number:"I can't wait to get this sex incest CD because it is the Nuclear BOMB! This CD will rule in my bad chariot for a long time! I can't wait to hear the rest of the tunes! Rumor is dope!"1978's "Evil Vibrations" is disco with an acid-jazz heartbeat.The Grease Soudtrack is a feelgood goldmine, sex incest but Frankie Valli's title-cut really stands alone and is the only measure of soul among the showtune bonhomie. For this, give credit to Barry Gibb, who wrote the song and has enormous, soulful teeth.God knows what Frankie was on about though. "Conventionality" is a very George Bush word.
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