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The naked evil uhmmm... have fun times!! Jen Sir Fergie 3/16/2006 6:06 PM Definately loving your music, haven't seen you guys since the Pool Party at Alan's last year, but your music's great! Probably coming down for your show ecommerce down at the Bovine Sex Club, keep it up! /Fergie kriss rites 3/14/2006 11:10 AM hey guys! Playing the mod club's the shit huh? Our ecommerce album is released in the US today! Exciting! Look its even on Best Buy! HAHA Kill Cheerleader @ Best Buy rites Carly 3/13/2006 4:25 PM ... and kick ass it did! Don't ecommerce worry DM the drunken dancing pictures will jog your memory ha ha ha ha ha... EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL Chantel, (DM) 3/12/2006 5:18 PM so for the lil bits of blurred memory of last night i do recal it kicking ass..