Milk Lady hated venomously pictures gnu

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Milk Lady hated venomously by entire waitstaff for her propensity to tip a dollar after endless bitching and her kids destroying table. gnu Sometimes known to ask for the manager at the drop of a spoon. Expert level gnu skills at the 50 cent "Grab a Toy" machine near front entrance. The bitch always gets her toy like Roy. Cold, calculating stare behind thick frames. Always will try to get free milk refill. Do not, repeat, do not, give it to her. Milk is not soda. Repeat: Milk is not a refill item. Milk Lady knows this, but Milk Lady is ruthless. She will attempt to play you. Beware. 2. The King - Caucasian Male. Approx 5'8". Gold-frame sunglasses. Gold chains. Exposed chest hair. Large rings, including pinkie ring. Wears cape and carries cane. That is not a misprint. Dresses like Mother Fucking Elvis Presley to Eat At El Chico's Mother Fucking Restaurant.
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