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Anyway, it shut them up for months on end and currently seems to be working a second time around. ReplyLink 7th-Oct-2005 03:06 am intelligentrix Earplugs work for me. advanced ReplyThreadLink 7th-Oct-2005 10:09 am advanced andrewducker Sadly, not for me. I tried Ed's ear plugs, and I could advanced still hear fairly well through them. I obviously have larger ears than Ed. ReplyParentThreadLink 7th-Oct-2005 07:17 pm intelligentrix I use these things called Leight Sleepers. They work pretty well for me, but then I have delicate, shell-like ears. Goodluck. ReplyParentLink 7th-Oct-2005 07:16 am dalglir We had a similar situation with the flat underneath dalglivk's back when we last lived in Edinburgh... The, normally quiet, flat of nurses started producing full volume techno at 3 in the morning (presumably after one of the guys had got back from clubbing).