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Fucking kikes. fucking money loving people anthonyseldon@hotmail.com Carlton Palmer He is a lanky fuck witted ugly cunt. He is too tall by 200 far, his head is way too small for his lanky bastard body and he has got too much attitude, the queer fucking motherfuker and he smells of piss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 200 From Me (Ed: and you'll be John Burns, jrburns@unisonfree.net) GAYS AND LESBIANS I HATE GAYS AND LESBIANS. GAYS SHOULD GET THEIR PENIS'S RIPPED OFF,BY A HUNGRY LION AND THEN HAVE THEM SURGICALLY ATTACHED TO THEIR CHINS.LESBIANS SHOULD BE SHITTED ON,THEN SET ON 200 FIRE.FAGGOTS ARE THE SCUM OF THE WORLD AND THEY SHOULD ALL DIE AND ROTT INHELL YOU PANSY ASS MOTHER FUCKING QUEER ASS BITCHES!! DEATH TO ALL FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!! River river002@hotmail.com (Ed: surely you meant, 'The Miller Family, jungcarm@pugetsound.net) your mum because she shit in bed yourmum@yourhouse.com (Ed: Ah a student! XAXHAM_L@bournemouthandpoole-cfe.ac.uk) You limey bastards. You worthless geeks need to get up off of your fat limey asses and get a real job, instead of managing some lame fucking, gayass web page for retarded British pedophile high-school dropouts.
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