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It's not dead fish. It's magic. It's not dead fish. It's magic. SO TRUE!!!"SInging Softly to Me" is det bomben! If you dont like it upon your first listen then you cleary have something against all of Norway.KoC like to hang porn with weepy white porn techno guys Royksopp and make each other Norwegian baked treats and remix each others songs.Ive posted a Royksopp remix and also the greatest Royksopp song "Remind Me" which I believe has KoC's porn Erlend Oye singing.Here's the Kings of Convenience website.Here are the ABCs of KoC.And a grafik designers wet dream of a video for a different edit of "Remind Me"And I threw in Brooklyn bred The Ladybug Transistor's "Oceans in the Hall" cuz it kind of reminds me of the other stuff. Its a cheery chamberpop tune that really belongs on the next Wes Anderson soundtrack.The Ladybug Transistor website posted by James |   KASHMIR (MIDI)Led ZeppelinProper update later today, but for now, heres what they are playing in hell this morning.Great thing tho about this MIDI, is its the WHOLE SONG.
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