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Mashups and bootlegs of your favorite Clash Classic. fiction mystery/ detective "What About Brixton" is fantastic. posted by James | Thursday, April 22, 2004 "Like Sly Stone dying on the mike." SMOKEDimmerUNDER THE LIGHTDimmerSEEDDimmerFrom:I Believe You Are A StarIf New Zealand is Middle earth, then Shayne Carter is Tom BombadilLook, someone had to write that sentence at some fiction mystery/ detective point.Carter disbanded the genius band Straitjacket Fits in the mid 90s, just as they we're gathering steam above the equator. A few years later he started Dimmer and persuaded Sony NZ to ship fiction mystery/ detective a studio pod into his NZ backyard where he spent the next 2 years writing songs and teaching himself electronic stuff. The result was I Believe You Are A Star and it was real good.Carter had this very cool thing to say about the project:"Much of the record was played by real people. Organic approximations of the electronic vibe. Most of the sounds that sound like samples are actually fucked with guitars.