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Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful: A Common Sense approach, April 5, 2002 Reviewer:Wendy Somerlot Bittel (Ohio) - See all my reviewsCovert Bailey's approach is something anyone can handle. The key point is to just do it. He explains that staying fat sexy woman in your target fat burning range is much more important fat sexy woman and beneficial than going all out. I have always thought that the fat burn range on the tread mill was for sissies and consequently have over done it on more than fat sexy woman one occasion. Exercise became something to dread because I thought it had to hurt to be good for me. Bailey's book explains in detail the reasons for working out in your target heart rate/fat burn range. It takes the pressure off trying to always go for the gold and leaves you feeling good for just getting out there. Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) Customer Reviews Average Customer Review: Write an online review and share your thoughts with other customers.