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She thinks it's thefat girl summary / study guide because she's fat. Maybe, but she's also, you know, fifteen, and wearing the worst outfit ever. Kids are mean thefat girl summary / study guide as hell, you remember. Not that they can't also be sweet, but they can be mean little buggers. My partner thinks that fat fixation is emblematic of our culture of fear. Parents and teachers focus on childhood obesity because we all feel like we don't have any control over all these other factors in kids' lives. 8:45. Ali (fat suit thefat girl summary / study guide girl) thinks that the reason people made fun of her or didn't talk to her is only that she was fat. She can't trust them. Welcome to high school, sweetheart. Am I being too cynical? Is she from some sort of crazy world? Maybe she's just really popular at her school. I don't understand how she can't have ever been picked on. The way she talks, though, it's very fifteen. I totally feel for her. A fat girl (who is damn fine looking, by the way), is explaining that she couldn't stand up for the pathetic dork in the fat suit because, hello, high school.