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jake and the fatman information, fatman and little boy, signed, biographies, site x, exercise fat, video games, fat gay, current affairs general, nuclear history, Joseph Sargent's 1989 made-for-TV film Day One, with Brian Dennehy as Groves and David Straithairn as Oppenheimer, covers the same story with twice the depth and avoids the pitfall of a romantic subplot (Oppenheimer's dalliance with a communist played by Natasha Richardson), which this film stumbles into. Cusack's doomed scientist is actually a combination of two real-life physicists, Harry Daghlian phat farm and Louis Slotkin, who died from radiation poisoning, albeit long after V-J Day. --Paul Gaita phat farm Customers who viewed this also viewed Max DVD ~ John Cusack True Colors DVD ~ John Cusack The Jack Bull DVD ~ John Cusack phat farm Hot Pursuit DVD ~ John CusackExplore similar items: in DVD, in Books Spotlight Reviews Write an online review and share your thoughts with other customers. .sugestionList { background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #ABAA7C } .sugestionItem { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: #333333; background-color: #ffffff; } .sugestionItemSelect { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; color: #333333; background-color: #EFEDD4; } .sugestionHighlight
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bombing of Japan during World War II (said bombs were dubbed "Fat Man" and "Little Boy"). The Nevada-based project is headed by General Leslie R. fat gay Groves (a testy Paul Newman) and scientist fat gay J. Robert Oppenheimer (Dwight Schultz of the TV series The A-Team), who later regretted his cooperation in the project. The problem with the film lies not with the fat gay acting, which includes solid performances by Bonnie Bedelia, Laura Dern, John Cusack, and future U.S. Senator Fred Dalton Thompson, but with the script by director Roland Joffé and Bruce Robinson (Withnail and I and Joffé's The Killing Fields). A subject as morally complex as the creation of a supreme weapon requires a strong and thoughtful script, but Fat Man and Little Boy never gets further than establishing that indeed, atomic power is something to reckon with.
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