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Lou Reed on Fats Domino's The Fat Man "I bought it movies out on asshole Long Island, the armpit of the world. I was a big fan of Meade 'Lux' Lewis and Albert Ammons -- those great 78s of boogie-woogie movies piano. Then I movies heard The Fat Man, and I went, 'Oh, my God!' Put a guitar to it, mix it together with 'Ooby Dooby,' by Roy Orbison, and 'Red Hot,' by Billy Riley -- and you've got me." Posted Nov 22, 2005 1:30 PM Email Print Advertisement   Everything:The Velvet Underground Main | Biography | Articles | Album Reviews | Videos | Discography | Trivia | Message Boards | Music Store   Keyword Artist Album Song Rolling Stone The Velvet Underground feed See all available RSS feeds / learn more Home : artists : The Velvet Underground : articles : Lou Reed on Fats Domino's The Fat Man Special Offers Stay connected to Rolling Stone with: Newsletters Podcasts RSS Feeds Desktop Alerts   premium partners Visit Dave Chappelle's Block Party!Enter
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