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OK, you caught us. The FBI, Interpol and other agencies have paid us a lot of money to spy on our users. Shh!! Don't tell anyone! Of course, there are always servers gay rights in... debug mode!!! Oh, NO!!!_________________admin, irc.umich.edu oper, irc.servercentral.net Sasha Louise, 5/20/02 Mon gay rights Oct 11, 2004 7:21 pm   Govvy Joined: 14 Jul 2003 Posts: 18 Location: UK     can't you just resolve a few ip's and see if they belong to a shell provider? Then give the shell provider the logs??_________________ @IRChelp - Stay and help, I will! Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:40 am   gay rights munky Site Admin Joined: 02 Jul 2003 Posts: 482 Location: St Thomas, VI     give shell providers logs of what? most spambots are hacked trojans or open proxies, with very little way of tracking them down to the original source._________________In
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