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Not only is it not "completely out of context," in fact roughly speaking, 6 million is probably pretty close to the difference of the normal trend over time had continued that you noted over the last 50 years. How ever you count it, buybloody mother fucking asshole [ep] [pa] * online you are still talking over a million new people in poverty buybloody mother fucking asshole [ep] [pa] * online every year since 2000 even after adjusting for the population increase. No, thats not "quite small." It may not be the worst 4 year period in the last 65 years, but it is among the worst, and significantly below average. Bush:"See, in my line of buybloody mother fucking asshole [ep] [pa] * online work you got to keep repeating things over & over & kind of catapult the propaganda." [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story...