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In its sector, Blue Canoe is instantly memorable and leaves competing gas station convenience store names like Speedy Mart, Quick Stop and Kwik Shop in the dust. Is the name too dot-bomb-y? It would be if Blue Canoe was an Internet based business, but this is different headspace. It’s important to remember movie times that consumers compartmentalize these things, only processing the names in context. Of the water-based names, this is a good one movie times given the competitive landscape. Nothing like the water foul committed by Sag Harbor, a company that sells clothing movie times to soccer moms. Think about that for a second.   Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005 - 2:55pm  |  product names  |  Comments (10) « April 2005 | Home | June 2005 » © 2006 Igor - a San Francisco-based naming & branding agency Syndicate entries using RSS and Comments (RSS). This site contains valid XHTML and CSS. Powered by WordPress 1.5. More blogs about naming and branding.
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