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 Poverty, by who's list? by skeeter1      at Wed 31 Aug 12:32pmscore of 1    According to this list in today's mature and boy movies Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland has moved up from the most impoverished big city last year to 12th this year. The only thing going on around here is that we're losing 800 OfficeMax jobs to Chicago, mature and boy movies and picking up 300 Defense Department accounting jobs from mature and boy movies Denver. That seems to me to be a net loss. I can't wonder if these lists aren't made up by a couple of guys over beers and flipping coins. --------------------- 1. Detroit 2. El Paso, Texas 3. Miami 4. Newark, N.J. 5. Atlanta 6. Long Beach, Calif. 7. Milwaukee 8. Buffalo 9. Philadelphia 10. Memphis 11. Baltimore 12.
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