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I plug Oz radio station JJJ a bit here, but I can't encourage you all enough to dig through their show girls archives (you can search by artist). The audio quality is top shelf and the playlists are always creative girls and thorough.The De La Soul J File is no exception. Its full of interviews, remixes and rare cuts.also...Mp3 blogs in Rolling Stone.And finally, THE BURT POUND cometh! posted by James | Tuesday, September 14, 2004   Moistworks celeb sighting.Im having a smoke outside and a black Excursion girls pulls up. In the window is a car service sign saying "C Anthony". Then a 6'6" young black guy with cornrows gets out in full Denver Nuggets warm up suit. On the back of the suit it says "Carmelo". A young kid says to me: "Is that Carmelo Anthony?"
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