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The marthawainwright bloody mother fucking asshole lyrics next fucking time I see something marketed as XTREME, I'm gonna strangle a small woodland creature. Corporate America, be on notice. I WILL STRANGLE A SMALL WOODLAND CREATURE! Everything's XTREME these days! XTREME Doritos! XTREME shampoo! XTREME batteries! XTREME Colostomy bags! Enough of this shit. It's not edgy, you fucktards. It sucks. It was edgy one goddamn time, 10 goddamn years ago. BLERRRAAAAGGGHHHH! *breathes* Okay, marthawainwright bloody mother fucking asshole lyrics let's finally talk about what fueled this rage. Virtually everyone has seen the new Nike campaign featuring "The Lebrons." It depicts 4 marthawainwright bloody mother fucking asshole lyrics different characters, all played by Lebron James, who represent the different psychological sides of the current superstar (and eventual legend).