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More importantly, who the hell decided to fund kernel it? I don't want to know for any reason other than I would push a shopping cart full of retarded toddlers off a fucking cliff for a job where I could get paid out my ass to suggest random superstars and then use the same exact fucking campaign as our biggest competitor. Hell, I can do that job in my underwear, from my computer at home, while telling people to suck a fat kernel one on Ubersite. I don't know a single damn person who doesn't see this "campaign" and say, "Didn't kernel Nike do that with King James?" Yes, yes they certainly did. Is it somehow better because there's 5 now instead of just a measly insignificant 4? Or maybe it's just better because it's XTREME!!! FUCK YOU, ADIDAS! User Reviews Submitted by coley (user info) at 2006-01-14 17:05:26 (#) Ranking: 1 "new and improved" is always a nice phrase to see stamped on something, also, because how can it be improved if it is new?