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Ayers official site.New Yorkers: Roys in town on Sept. 30 posted by James | Tuesday, August 31, 2004   WATCH THE WALLS The BatsFear of God[please buy it] THE ecommerce LOOMING PASTThe BatsFear ecommerce of GodBOOGEY MANThe BatsFear of GodThe Bats don't play their instruments so good, or display 3 octave range, but they also don't ape around arenas in embarrassingly choreographed pantomime like Peter Gabriel and his house band cause no one is as modest as the Bats and no ecommerce band I know writes such exceptionally catchy songs. The Bats strong suit is melody; they write ethereal pub songs, with energetic jangly guitars and enchanting vocals.As a CMJ reviewer nicely put it, The Bats have..."an
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