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Links:You Am I official, where you can download a handful of rare and live mp3s. posted by James | Thursday, July 29, 2004   WELCOME BACK John Sebastin The Best of John Sebastian [buy it] WELCOME BACK KOTTER THEME Dion Dimucci Unreleased WELCOME BACK Mase [buy it] net Celebrity iPods: Gabe Kaplan! So when Welcome net Back Kotter needed a theme song they contacted DooWop legend Dion DiMucci and Lovin' Spoonful folk-rock front-man John Sebastian to give it a shot. They went with John Sebastian's "Welcome Back", and it hit #1 on the charts in 1976. net I love this song and I love Gabe Kaplan, and I don't need irony's dutch courage to do so. The Dion version never surfaced again, until a recent documentary aired it. Its short but lovely. This mp3 was recorded off the TV by a member of a Yahoo Dion web group, who, in doing so, fulfilled his life's purpose.
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