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on a plane" and then is sometimes followed with "Oh... so it's not a metaphor.) 8/20/2005 3:00 PM Shawna said... I spent my whole weekend in Vegas with several H'wood assistants. I addiction instructed them of the way of this mantra. Expect to hear it everywhere by end of the week. 8/21/2005 8:06 PM Bill Cunningham said... After they told me they addiction were thinking of changing the title, I would have said:"Okay, SLITHER AT 30,000 FEET is about..."I'm just sayin'... 8/21/2005 9:16 PM RogerRmjet said... First photos! Snakes on addiction a Plane! 8/23/2005 9:40 AM Anonymous said... Hey, Mr. Writer... it's BATED breath, not baited. bated adj 1: held back; "we watched the daring feats of the acrobats with bated breath" 2: diminished or moderated; "our bated enthusiasm"; "his bated hopes" 8/23/2005 3:57 PM josh friedman said...