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Once upon a time, that meant men of property between the ages theater of twenty and sixty. Now it means the shareholders in the congressional-military-industrial theater complex, W's base. Democracy lives! quisque dies melior postero [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 12. Re: Ivory towers by 0tim0 at Wed 31 Aug 9:15amscore of 1 compelling in reply to comment 3 The economy sucks... Well, unemployment is 5%. When I took economics in college, that was the "magic number" for unemployment. If it went lower, there is a risk theater of inflation. Our GDP growth is around 3.3%. That is a good strong number that isn't too hot. I think our population growth is like 1%. And if you look at the report, poverty rose to 12.7% from 12.5%. Since the economy moves in cycles, ripples should be expected. The ten year average is 12.6%. With a high of 13.8% and a low of 11.3%. In other words, the economy is doing fine. Not great, certainly not bad.