Shanker).Wann goes on to blues fat gay

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Shanker).Wann goes on to give us good ideas and arguments going against diets, diet pills, expensive and dangerous weight loss surgery, self loathing, etc. She tells us about fat gay arguements made against her and the hate filled w/in them only confirming how much hypocrisy there really is out there, even from doctors whom we all put so much trust w/in (just cause they're fat gay doctors, doesn't means they can't wrongfully fat gay judge). There are some writings by other people who have faced fat hatred in their lives and thier stories, a few poems, and interesting charts w/ some funny comparisons. That's another thing I liked, the humor. Sure, she's not as sarcastic and bitterly tounge-in-cheek funny as Ms. Shanker, but you'll get a laugh here and there.What I thought brought the book down somewhat was the second half. While the first half had very interesting facts and good arguments, the second half turned more into tips and stories that really weren't as in-depth as I'd expected but still fun to read.
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