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Also the similarities of phrenology (using callipers sparkle to measure bumps on the skull) and bariatric medicine (the study of obesity) was a bit tedious and hard to follow. Lastly she encourages fat sex but there is no mention of safe sex. Fat sparkle people need to be aware of safe sex too. Especially since the book isn't directed toward adults only. Direction to more information would have been a nice addition to this sparkle area. Fat!So? isn't all about the seriousness of being fat, fat acceptance and standing up for ourselves. Wann likes to have a little fun and it shows in a few of her mock essays, bountiful women cartoons from various artists and other extra goodies that take you from reading to interactive play. There are with two cut'n paste projects; 17 fun things to do with your bathroom scale and, my favourite, the Venus of Willendorf Paper Doll. Remember those little flip books you had as a kid?